I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 1 Sam 1:27

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 11 6 Banyan Temple and Pearl and Jade Market

Today we visited the 6 Banyan Temple. Named by a famous Chinese Poet. The temple itself dates back more than 550 years. It features a pagoda which was originally a tomb for the monks that served there but now pagodas are special features. This one houses over 1000 Buddhas. It was very “active” many people coming and going to pray and offer incense. Incense is always offered in multiples of 3 because the Chinese believe every person has 3 lives past present and future.
The fruit that is offered is always round fruit, the circle being very significant in every way representing ongoing generations.
Inside this room are 3 huge Buddhas each representing one life (past, present and future) The monks live and work at this temple. While we were there a bell rang which meant it was lunch time for the Buddhas and the monks served them rice, as well as placed rice as an offering at all the places around the temple where offerings are presented.

When the wind blows it rings the bells and scares the bad spirits away. All temples have steps up to them because evil can’t jump.

Pagodas are not commonly seen. This temple is smack dab in the middle of the city with hi rise apartments surrounding it. Its like a peaceful ancient oasis in the middle of a bustling, crowded, city.
John is keeping track of all the Chinglish he sees.

Maggie running her hands over the wall of names of all who helped build the temple.
Next we went to the Pearl and Jade markets which was totally overwhelming. Its packed with store upon store selling pearls and other jewelry. Our guide took us to the store she frequents with families. This owner is knotting the string in between each pearl.

At the Jade counter with our group. Their Jade is like our diamonds. You can wipe out all your spending money right here. Traditionally a Chinese girl is presented with a Jade circle necklace on her 16th birthday and a Jade bangle on her wedding.
Maggie has her two favorite things in her hands: her mommy in one and her Gerber puffs in the other.

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