I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 1 Sam 1:27

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 7 Applying for Maggie’s Visa

Today we went to a police station in Guangzhou to apply for Maggie’s visa which will allow her to be an American citizen as soon as we get home (I think)
She looks so cute at breakfast this morning.  She loves her bows, has no problem wearing them.  Must get more!
All our appointments seem to be during morning nap time.
After lunch we went to a park/playground.  Maggie had lots of fun!
                                                          All four! 

Shawn, Meghan and JM got into a game of "hackie sack" with a local. They played for quite a long time. Many people, men and women play this in the park all day long. Old and young. I had some older women come up to me and motion at Maggie's lip asking me in Chinese if I would get her an operation. I said we absolutely would and they smiled and gave me the thumbs up. Other people just stare at her and I can't tell if they approve or are just staring at us because we are such a sight. It is incredibly uncommon for anyone to have 4 kids in China.
Public toilet at the park.  And if you didn’t bring any TP with you then you’re out of luck.  If by chance there is a commode like we use in America, its called a “western” toilet!

We use the hotel as much as possible!


  1. Hey, if you get Maggie a Visa, she'll be able to buy her own bows! A-hilk! What a cutie!! Love that pic of Maggie sacked out on Shawn's lap!! Precious!

  2. Hey, they have those toilets in France, too! They're called Turkish toilets, I believe. Also, the WSJ wrote "Dreaming About A Hong Kong Christmas" right around the time you arrived: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703395204576023571824157648.html

    I'm so glad Maggie is with you. Beautiful!
